Hey I'm


a web developer

About me

Hello, I'm Aditya, an undergraduate student at IIT BHU pursuing Mechanical Engineering. While my major is in Mechanical Engineering, I have always had a strong passion for web design and development. I find the process of creating beautiful and functional websites fascinating.
When I'm not studying or working on web projects, you can find me exploring new technologies, keeping up with the latest trends in web design, or engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking and photography.
I am excited to continue learning and growing in the field of web design and look forward to leveraging my engineering background to create innovative and impactful digital experiences.



Cricket has been my passion since childhood, and it has provided me with immense joy and excitement. I enjoy both watching and playing the sport, as it brings people together and fosters a sense of teamwork and camaraderie.

Public Speaking

Public speaking has always intrigued me, and it has become one of my favorite hobbies. I find great joy in expressing my thoughts, ideas, and knowledge to an audience. It allows me to connect with people, share my perspectives, and inspire others. Over the years, I have actively participated in various public speaking competitions, debates, and seminars.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • C++
  • Pyhton
  • C
  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • DOM
  • SQL
  • MongoDB


Contact me

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